30 March 2011

The Ideal Build.

Simply put, the way things are now, there is no "ideal" build. At the moment, I primarily use this build, but I would in no way say it is the "best" build. I use two tank specs for different situations. Neither is the be-all end-all of tanking. Let me explain why there really is no tank spec that is perfect.

First of all, our goals as tanks are different from say DPS. We don't pick our talents based on what does the most damage. Our goal is simply to protect our team mates and to survive. Except for a few essential talents like Bastion of Defense, we are free to pick and choose what we acquire based on our own individual play styles. Using just the bare minimum points to get to the bottom of the tree, I was able to pick up all but four talents. This allows me to keep ten points to do whatever I want with. From the selection, there are quite a few play style choices, but not one of them will make or break your game. Each will help you in some way or another, each will either let you live longer, allow you to keep threat better, allow you to save rage, whatever you so desire or require.

Min-maxers will do everything in their power to tell you what is best. But there really is no best anymore. Need more single target threat? Put some points into Incite and Cruelty. Having problems staying alive during the enrage phase? Put some points into Impending Victory and Blood Craze. This avoidance of a "best" spec is actually liberating, as I've said before in this entry. The lack of having a perfect spec no longer pigeon-holes you into playing a certain way. You can easily customize your talents to your gear or play style without having to go an outside source to see how to talent.

That's really the best part of this new talent system. It used to frustrate me that all the information I needed to play at my best was never actually in game. The recent gutting of class specific quests from the game has further made it harder to learn how to play your class in game. The new talents have really made outside sources less of a necessity. One can surmise what buttons are best to push based on what your talents buff, and you can select your talents based on what you want to do. The inability to delve into the other trees until you've completed your first tree really streamlines things for new players as well. As there will be a lot less confusion and people won't end up part way through every tree. Easy, convenient, with a lot less "junk" talents that bloat the trees.

That said, I can highly recommend my secondary talent build which I linked for starter tanks who want to just have something to put in. Just please don't be misguided into thinking it is the best or the only spec. Learn what's best for you and your gear, adapt to your style and the style of the groups you run with, then change your talents accordingly.

Thanks for reading!


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